Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the lukkha life..

beautiful day outside
but breakfast at 3 p.m
getting out of bed
is the longest ritual

would sleep all day if it
weren't for the alarms of my
hungry aching stomach

woke up to a blissful afternoon
of exploring new music
and trying to play it
in vain

12 notes aren't enough to fill this emptiness
how i'll miss you forever!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

speaking of Matlab..

Me (triumphant that my code is finally working) : Sir, this is the plot of the field inside a deformed resonator!!!!!!

Boss (after bombarding me with an *hour* of questions which I obviously couldn't answer): hmmm, the point is not only to generate pretty pictures but to understand the science involved.

I think I should make a living out of geezing food and music, yeh research mere bas ki baat nahi..:)..

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Here goes nothing.

So a quick confession is in order here, especially for people who think I've caught the ivy league bug of associating my univ name with everything I do! (not that I expect people to read my blog but just in case someone wanders by) -Ro started my blog, chose the name for it and templates etc. and since I believe in accepting gifts without complaints I'm going to write a word or two about the concerts I've attended (read as geezed), in and around Princeton though I doubt it'll be worth anyone's time reading the ramblings of an insomniac! Ro, please don't expect too much blogging activity since I feel I spend infinite time in front of the comp flirting with Matlab and I could surely use some time off...:)..

Stories from Princeton...

yeh kaam kaise karta hai?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

1 2 3 testing!
Zubin...heres my blog gift to you.
Now start posting!

T.A.D ;)